Programming Corner: Fall 2023 Gymnastics Cycle

Post written by Michele Letendre, @DekaComp



Welcome to our Gymnastics phase! In this short training cycle, athletes will be exposed to a dosage of gymnastics volume based on a mix of maximum repetitions and high intensity. We will focus on base movements that have transferability throughout most other gymnastics movements. Just like when we use basic lifts in a strength cycle. These movements are: the pull up/chest to bar pull up, handstand push up/ push up, ring muscle up, toes to bar and dip.


  • Ring muscle up

  • Handstand push up

  • Strict pull up

  • Pistol


When it comes to our gymnastics phase, it is important to understand how to categorize athletes. Although athletes fall on a spectrum and no one is EXACTLY beginner or intermediate or advanced, we still need to put our athletes in some form of box in order to help streamline our class management. 

So here are our definitions of the beginner, intermediates and advanced athletes and what we will focus on for their scaling options.

Beginner: The beginner for this phase are those who cannot perform 1 unassisted movement for lack of strength. Their scaling options will be focused on gaining strength therefore they will be given more structured sets and reps for most strength sections. It will be important to look for quality in the eccentric portions of their gymnastics movements. In metcons, we will try to include more gymnastics volume by heavily decreasing the degree of difficulty per rep.

Intermediate L1: The intermediate level 1 are the athletes who are not consistent in performing the movements listed above or can only perform them kipping. These athletes will be mostly given a volume approach with a progression towards the RX movement in order to gain more consistency when they progress towards the intermediate L2. This will especially be the case in the metcon scaling in which we will keep the volume as written or as close to RX as possible but provide them with a lower degree of difficulty movement in order for them to gain more time under tension. 

Intermediate L2 (This is the “Rx” version at CrossFit Tysons): The intermediate level 2 athletes are the athletes that can do RX movements but require scaling in volume in order to be exposed to more volume of the RX movements. In strength portions they will be modified based on the context but the main goal is to get them to perform more RX movements with focus on quality. In metcons, we will be mindful of the format for these athletes since some formats aren’t forgiving enough to risk muscle failure. 

Advanced: The advanced athletes are those who are proficient in the RX movements and can perform them technically well. We are focusing on a volume progression approach for this cycle and they will be able to fully benefit from the cycle as written. This does not mean they cannot improve! The challenge with the advanced athletes may be to fix a bad habit or movement pattern therefore technique should be a huge focus for them. 


This is mainly written as a volume progression. So overall you will notice a linear progression in the percentages of reps week to week. Just like percentages in a weightlifting progression, it should start off very doable then progress to become more and more difficult each week. Note: Beginners and sometimes intermediate athletes will not necessarily follow the exact volume progression. 

We will divide each week into 4 Gymnastics focused sessions:

  1. Strict hspu volume progression

  2. Ring mu volume progression

  3. Strict  pull up volume progression

  4. Pistol strength progression

Any of your athletes who are looking to really increase their strength and stamina in basic gymnastics should do their best to include the extra and accessories that are included in the Class track. We chose the accessories to complement the strength portion of the day and this can really improve their chances of seeing great results.  


Below we’ve placed our gymnastics movements in a 5 week schedule. This schedule is tentative and may be subject to change based on movement interferences or any other logistical decision. Our goal with this schedule is to make sure athletes will be exposed to all the movements in the cycle no matter their workout schedule. 



Barbell cycling focus on the olympic lifts + Strength hypertrophy squat cycle where we will prep for the next power endurance phase with controlled eccentrics, through a volume progression (adding reps to this for 3 weeks). Controlled eccentrics are a necessity in preparation for producing any type of force. If you want to produce large concentric force, you must be able to eccentrically absorb the load first.


These will be as balanced as possible as far as the time domains and stimulus go. But keep in mind we will need to avoid the shoulders to a degree during this phase. The metcons will be meant to compliment the cycle, not hinder it. 

Gymnastics Accessories

Balanced between:

  • Strength endurance

  • Overfatigue in common body parts

  • Power Endurance


  • Focused on hypertrophy, strength endurance, power, speed, as well as joint and tendon health in the following areas of the body:

  • Midline/Core

  • Shoulders- Vertical and horizontal push/pull

  • Hips/Knees

  • post chain- Lower/Upper.


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